Beasts of the Northern BQE |
Hart Playground, an unsteady quadrilateral, bordered by 34th Ave., 65th. St, 69th St., and Broadway, is a heavily used neighborhood recreation space, with basketball and handball courts, jungle gym, and sad but friendly animals like this anteater (I suppose). Not much green, though.
For that, you can cross Broadway and gaze at a fenced-off sliver that runs between 65th St. and the off-ramp of the BQE. It's parkland, as the circled maple leaf on the wrought iron gate proclaims. Just not the kind of park you can park your ass in. (The other green you see is the Northern Blvd. exit sign on the BQE.)
Nameless Park |
This is an excellent series! Will you be able to detour to the slivers of park bordering the Prospect Expressway? Another BQE project might be the proposed Funderpass at Atlantic Avenue.