Greenpoint, October, 2015

Monday, April 9, 2012

Could the Gowanus Smell Any Better?

Of course, I am talking about the Gowanus Expressway, not the Canal. A recent story in the New York Times reports that the sprawling former Navy warehouse at 850 Third Ave. in Sunset Park is slated (unslated?) to become an enormous rooftop garden, perhaps the largest in the world.

Hanging Gardens of Sunset Park (artist's rendering)
A good green thing, for sure. My only question is how this might affect the "nice smell" that regularly wafts across the expressway all the way from New Jersey. I usually pick it up (heading west) around 39th St. The warehouse is between 30 and 31st St. Nobody's saying what they're going to grow up there. Whatever it is, could it overpower the intoxicating smell of fenugreek being processed that emanates from the Fruitarom Company in North Bergen? Can the rooftop gardeners be persuaded to grow fenugreek themselves?

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