Greenpoint, October, 2015

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Mystery of Dog Rock

Ever loyal
Growing up in Preston, Connecticut, you took your roadside attractions where you could find them--shooting the "tree tunnel" on Northwest Corner Road or outracing the savage Pappalardo dogs on Rte 164. Then there was Dog Rock.

Thank you, Stanley!
Well, we always called it Dog Rock and speculated about who would give it periodic touch ups. But a recent reconnaissance trip to Preston and Norwich with your correspondent's brother, nephew, and niece turned up some truly startling news. According to a small plaque affixed to the rock (by whom?), this is actually Spotty and the original painter was Stanely Zictorac in 1935--that's three years BBQE (before the BQE)!

Of course, Spotty has many admirers, including Bill Griffith, who has included him (or her?) in a couple of Zippy the Pinhead strips, like the one from June 27, 2004 below. If you go to visit Dog Rock, you will find it, not in Chile, but on Rte. 165 (on your right, about a mile past Preston City School, headed into Norwich--where else?). I can recommend a couple of excellent grinder places within easy driving distance.

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