Greenpoint, October, 2015

Saturday, November 10, 2012


A few nights ago, beginning on the Verrazano Narrows Bridge, continuing along the Gowanus Expressway and then the BQE, I observed no fewer than four convoys. How many kinds of convoys could there be? Reader, take your best guess. The answer will follow this Youtube video of the 1975 C.W. McCall classic, "Convoy," with scenes from the 1978 film it inspired. Kris Kristofferson, Ali McGraw, Ernest Borgnine, and the immortal Burt Young (as "Pig Pen"). The story is ludicrous but it looks great. Why not? Sam Peckinpah made it.

The answers:
#1) About a dozen National Guard trucks including some heavy-duty earth moving machines. Headed to the Rockaways?
#2) 5 Verizon vans with yellow lights flashing.
#3) 4 NYC buses--all "not in service."
#4) 4 NYC PD tow trucks.

Catch you on the flip flop, good buddy.

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