We began our alternative
Poetry in Motion series with Eileen Myles'
"Truth." We close it, some eighty days later, with another truth, Denise Levertov's, "O Taste and See."
The world is
not with us enough.
O taste and see
the subway Bible poster said,
The Lord, meaning
if anything all that lives
to the imagination's tongue,
grief, mercy, language,
tangerine, weather, to
breathe them, bite,
savor, chew, swallow, transform
into our flesh our
deaths, crossing the street, plum, quince
living in the orchard and being
hungry, and plucking
the fruit.
As subway posters become more and more standardized and corporate--an entire train's worth of American Express U.S. Open ads--it becomes harder and harder to find any inspiration there. Yet somebody did with the Jet Blue poster on the 82nd St. platform.
Tomorrow: "The Line-Up"!